Single-click: mark as a possible solution.
Double-click: mark as the solution.
Click How to play to learn more about how to use the controls in solving the sudoku.
Click Undo to undo the previous move. Coming soon
Click Redo to redo the last move that you've undone. Coming soon
Click Start a new sudoku to start over with a fresh new sudoku with your preferred difficulty level.
Click Show mistakes to mark all the cells that contain an incorrect solution. The cells will be marked for 10 seconds.
Click Give me a hint to give the solution of a random cell, while also giving an explanation on why this is the solution. Coming soon
This shows the amount of time that you've spent on this sudoku.
This shows the number of times you've used the 'Show mistakes' option.
This shows the number of times you've used the 'Give me a hint' option.